Advantages of Latvian company

Latvian company formation >> Advantages of Latvian company

Latvia is full member if European Union.

Incorporating the Latvian company you will get European enterprise. Latvian company has all advantages and possibilities of business in European Union. Latvia is new country and legislation system is more liberal than in other EU countries and process of incorporating Latvian company is much easier, cheaper and also faster. If there will be just one founder, incorporating of company takes just one day.

Tax benefits

Tax system in Latvia is one of best and gentle between countries in EU. For example, if you form a company in Latvia, from profit you pay just 15% Corporate Income tax. See tax comparison.

Value added tax (VAT) 0% is applied to purchase and sale deals between Latvian companies and other EU countries companies. VAT 0% rate is also applied to the various of services provided by Latvian companies to EU companies and from third countries.

Dividends you get from activity of Latvian company is non-taxable in case of company’s founder is the legal person which is a resident of EU country or European Economic Area.

Short time registration of a new company

If there is just one founder of company, registration is just one day from the day when application form is submitted and equity capital is formed. Minimum share capital is 3090 Eur and at least half must be paid up before registration. If there is more than one founder registration is up to 5 days.

Any foreign person can be a fonder of Latvian company

There is no restrictions to establish, own or manage Latvian company for non – residents. Owners and managers can be individual persons as well as legal persons.

Your attendance is not necessary!

You can form a Latvian company without visiting Latvia. To incorporate and manage your company can person or company authorized by you with Power of attorney.

Easier order of entering and residence in EU!

Latvia is a member of Schengen Agreement. It means that Latvian residence permit allows you to enter and leave the country unlimited number of times during the period residence permit is valid, as well as travel free over the countries of Schengen Agreement (with rights of residence up to 3 months in 6 months period, without working permit in those countries).

The position of board member or council in Latvian company, status of individual merchant or sole founder of company enables to get the residence permit in Latvia for 1 up to 5 years.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to get more information if you need to establish company in Latvia.
Tel. (371) 29 112 333