Articles on immigration

List of countries, which citizens can travel to Latvia without visa

List of countries citizens of which may enter the Republic of Latvia without a visa and stay in Latvia for up to 90 days within a six-month period, counting from the day of entry. More…

Visa to Latvia

What is a visa?
A visa is a sticker of a particular design inserted in a travel document. But it does not grant by itself the right to enter the Republic of Latvia. On 21 December 2007, Latvia joined the Schengen Area and became a lawful member state of the Schengen Agreement. It means that Schengen visa issued in Latvia allows traveling also to other member states of the Schengen Agreement. More…

Schengen visas

The Schengen visa allows the holder to a total stay of up to 3 months days within a period of 6 months for tourist or business purposes. Receiving the multiple entry Schengen visa, is possible to leave and return in any number of times within the 6 months period, but the combined stay within the region must not total more than 3 months (90 days). More…

ID (eID) card in Latvia

Latvian Identity card (ID) or electronic identity card (eID) is identification document of person that confirms the identity and legal status of its owner.Every person who is registered in the Register of Population can obtain identity card according to his/ her legal status. An identity card for children under 15 can be issued only upon a request by the parents or a legal guardian. A person can have only one identity card and one passport (except the diplomatic and service passports). More…

Get Work Permit in Latvia

Short-term entry and residence on grounds of employment. If foreigner’s employment is related with short term or occasional residence in the Republic of Latvia, which does not exceed 90 days within half a year, the foreigner is obliged to receive a visa or temporary residence permit and work permit. This provision refers also to foreigners, who do not need visa for entering the Republic of Latvia. More…

Immigration and Residency in Latvia

In this article you will find information about immigration and residency for EU citizens and for non-EU citizens. More…

Types of visas in Latvia

There are 3 main types of visas:
A – airport transit visa
C – short term visa
D – long stay visa
SCHENGEN visa means an authorization issued by a Schengen Member State with… . More…