Legislation and regulations

As a member of the European Union, Latvia operates under Europe-wide legislation. To further stimulate investments, Latvian Government is implementing many state support programs via EU Structural funds for private business development.

Operations with real estate in Latvia are prescribed by several laws. Main law which prescribes operations with real estate is Civil law. Ownership of real estate is prescribed in Law of Land Register. This law also interprets registering and other operations of real estate in Land Register.

There is some specific legislation which prescribes reform of real estate in towns, which are provided to retain development of agricultural lands in rural area and which provide special rules for foreigners. For example, Law of privatization in rural area, Law of reform of lands in towns of Republic of Latvia.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to get more information about legislation and regulations about property.

Tel. (371) 29 112 333
e-mail: info@register-company.lv