When you start your business in Latvia, sometimes there can be some difficulties to start it, for example, you need legal address in Latvia or you need virtual office, or you need to get necessary certificates, or open bank account remotely etc. So here you can find some of our Business support services. If you need any help, which is not mentioned here, please feel free to write and we will help you to start Business in Latvia.
Most used Business support services are:
– Legal address;
– Bank accounts;
– Invitation for business visit to Latvia;
– Assistance in obtaining the necessary certificates;
– Translation services / language solutions;
– Insurance;
– Nominee director;
– Real estate search.
Legal address/ virtual office
Legal address for company in Latvia according to law can be set only in Latvia. We can offer legal address in Riga, Latvia. Legal address is necessary also that state institutions, clients can reach you.
If you don’t need to be physically in Latvia but you need office then we can provide you with virtual office – mail service, call center, post, courier etc according to your specific needs.
Bank accounts
According to your needs we can help you with consultations for requirements and with opening bank accounts in commercial banks of Latvia for your company as well as for private persons.
Bank accounts can be opened in two ways:
– with your physical presence;
– remotely on basis of POA.
Invitation for business visit to Latvia
If client wish to meet us personally, it is possible that we request to confirm invitation letter at Office of Citizenship and Migration affairs of Latvia (OCMA). Such confirmed invitation letter is basis for client to apply for short term visit visa to Latvia, Schengen. We will inform you about necessary documents and information what we need for applying to confirm invitation letter and what you need for applying for Schengen visa.
Assistance in obtaining the necessary certificates
There are some business types where it is necessary to get certificate for doing business, for example – pharmacy, logistic company etc. We can help you in following way:
– find institution which issue licenses;
– apply on behalf of you for license.
We will help you also with registering trademarks, patents.
Translation services / language solutions
To run company in Latvia smoothly you will need to translate documents to Latvian language. If you wish to use translations in state institutions these translations must be confirmed at notary. We will help you with translations from any foreign language as well as confirmation these translations by notary.
There are some business types where it is necessary to get make insurance, for example – building sphere. There are companies which just for own safety make insurance. We will help you to find the best solution for your business safety and to find insurance type as well as insurance provider in Latvia.
Nominee director
If you don’t have time to start business by yourself, we can provide you with Nominee director to prepare your company for starting business and operate it distantly in beginning.
Real estate search
If your business need premises for rent or to buy. We will find the best solution for your needs. We search for real estate also for private investors. When real estate fit to your needs, we can organize all process to rent or buy it according to laws and your safety.
If You need legal services or accounting services, please contact us
Tel. (371) 29 112 333
e-mail: info@register-company.lv