ID (eID) card in Latvia

Articles in Immigration >> ID (eID) card in Latvia

Identity card (ID) or electronic identity card (eID) is identification document of person that confirms the identity and legal status of its owner.

Every person who is registered in the Register of Population can obtain identity card according to his/ her legal status. An identity card for children under 15 can be issued only upon a request by the parents or a legal guardian. A person can have only one identity card and one passport (except the diplomatic and service passports).

An identity card is issued for 5 year period, but for children under 5 years – for a period of 2 years or just for duration of a trip. One can apply for identity card (ID) by submitting necessary documents and the identity card can be obtained in any regional division of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, irrespective of the declared place of residence.

A person, who lives or resides long period of time in a foreign country, can apply for an identity card in a consular or diplomatic service of the Republic of Latvia.

Latvian ID card functions:

– With Latvian ID card one can confirm hi/ her identity by presenting it to a person who must confirm identity, legal status, age, etc.. In Latvia ID card can be used instead of a passport except regarding the usage of voting rights.

– Latvian ID card of a citizen of Latvia can be used as a travel document within the European Union, European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation (see country list below).

– With Latvian ID card, in which an authentication certificate is included and activated, one can verify his/ her identity from distance – in the electronic environment. It is possible if the service provider has provided the opportunity to make authentication with electronic identity card (eID).

– With Latvian ID card, in which a valid certificate of an electronic signature is included and activated, one can attach his/ her electronic signature to electronic documents having the same force as physically signed documents.

Latvian citizen’s ID card can be used as travel document within the European Union, European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation as well as in Montenegro and in Croatia.

Non-citizens of Latvia for traveling outside Latvia may use only passport!

List of countries where Latvian citizens can use Latvian ID card:

– Austria
– Belgium
– Bulgaria
– Czech Republic
– Denmark
– France
– Greece
– Croatia
– Estonia
– Ireland
– Iceland
– Italy
– Cyprus
– United Kingdom
– Lithuania
– Liechtenstein
– Luxembourg
– Malta
– Montenegro
– The Netherlands
– Norway
– Poland
– Portugal
– Romania
– Serbia (until 90 days)
– Slovakia
– Slovenia
– Finland
– Spain
– Swiss Confederation
– Hungary
– Germany