
Inviter – individual or legal entity who invites the foreigner and takes a charge of liability for the departure of the invited foreigner from the country at a specified time, as well as if necessary ensures the covering of expenses related to health care, residence in the Republic of Latvia and return of the foreigner to the country of domicile.

Approving of invitation letter

To approve invitation letter there must be submitted application written in free form. Application must contain contacts and information about foreigner who is being invited:
– name (names) and surname;
– citizenship;
– date of birth;
– place of birth;
– permanent (home) address;
– motivation, purpose of entry;
– expected place to stay and staying time in Latvia;
– expected location where application for visa will be submitted.

 If it is necessary there must be also submitted documents confirming:

– relationships between inviter and foreigner being invited (agreements, invoices, orders etc);
– necessity of foreigner to enter in Latvia (written confirmation of foreign partner that one has to enter in Latvia to realize stated purpose.

Terms of reviewing invitation documents

Resolution to approve invitation documents is taken in two days after all required documents are submitted. If it is necessary to get additional information resolution is taken in five days.

If foreigner wants to receive visa and work permit to be as an employee according to regulations which define demanding and issuing of work permit in Republic of Latvia inviter for approving invitation submits:
copy of labour contract or copy of other civil agreement;
information required for issuing work permit:
– about employment industry of foreigner;
– about speciality (profession) of foreigner;
– about working time – hours in a week;
– about salary per month;
– about the address of work.

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Tel. (371) 29 112 333