Our company offers all necessary operations starting form finding real estate until drafting sale or purchase contract and organizing visit to notary to endorse the deal.
We offer following service types of real estate sales in interests of client:
– Searching and finding the best real estate (flat, land, house, office, premises etc) for purchase to client in Latvia according to demands and interests of client;
– Finding customers if you want to sell your real estate;
– Drafting contracts and preparing all necessary documentation for safe and effective deal.
All deals related to real estate are made according to existing legislation in republic of Latvia and European Union. If necessary we can organize travel to Latvia. You can find more information about laws and regulations related to real estate in section “Legislation and regulations”.
Our company also organizes and makes draft for all necessary documents to form a visa to Latvia and European Union. There are also special regulations to foreign citizens or non–residents of Latvia. You can find detailed information about forming visa for travel in other our company’s web page section Immigration to Latvia.
Please feel free to contact us if you would like to get more information about sale / purchase of property in Latvia.
Tel. (371) 29 112 333
e-mail: info@register-company.lv